Garden for Zoranger

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Welcome to Gardening"

  • Gardening Lesson 1: Prepare to be disappointed. Its practically inevitable.

  • Gardening Lesson 2: Don't plant when the soil is too wet (i.e. When you try to make a ball out of the soil, the soil should not form a ball. The soil should crumble through your fingers).

  • Gardening Lesson 3: Plant the rows with sufficient separation to allow the tiller to travel between the rows.

I know everyone was really excited about getting some crops in the ground. However, with the wet and cold weather that we have had recently, most of the crops failed to germinate and most of the seeds rotted. Not to mention our rows were a little too tight and wouldn't allow for tiller to manage the weeds in between the rows. At the end of the day, the tough decision to start over was made. All except for the onions, lettuce, broccoli, and cauliflower was re-tilled. When the soil is at the right consistency, we should all plan on making a trip to the plantation for replanting. I know its difficult to simply start over especially after the amount of effort we have all put forth, but I think Jamie said it best, "welcome to gardening."

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Starter Plant Fest

Tonight at 5:00 pm lets get together at Victor and Amanda's for a starter plant festival. We will be starting all our crops for the upcoming season. See you all soon and be ready to get your hands dirty.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Hello fellow gardeners and friends,
Welcome to the Zoranger/Berkeley garden blog.  This blog will chronicle the activities and progress of our efforts to grow veggies for Zoranger Salsa - and more generally, our bellies - throughout the growing season.  Use it to coordinate work days, keep up on garden tasks, track progress, and other voyeuristic activities.  If you have pictures that you want to post, shoot me an e-mail and I'll include them in our albums.  If you have suggestions or want to rearrange things just let me know and I'll add you as an editor. I look forward to working with everyone and growing some incredible food.
